Thursday, September 15, 2011

What s History and Why Do We Study It???

History is important and the reason we study it is because we need to know about the past so that it will help us in the present and will help the future. When we look at the past we actually see how similar we are to the people from the past. We are all still human beings and we all still have the same basic needs, we just get more advanced in it throughout the years. For example we still have food, just more options. Also we always needed to communicate so for example in the times of the Native Americans we used signals then we started writing and sending letters then came telegrams, then came the telephone, and now we finally have a cell phone, what will be next? I also think that there is a quote that describes the importance of history perfectly is "A country without a memory is a country of madmen." Said by George Santayana. I think that this quote means that history is one big lesson. That it teaches you so much and that without learning from the pasts mistakes and inventions that we would waste so much time trying to figure things out we would simply go mad and bonkers, which is not a good combination. Not only would we waste time, but we would also be advancing less quickly. Also one more quote that I found that has a similar meaning to one before is "History teaches everything including the future" said by Lamartine. Also like before it tells you that we should all learn from the pasts mistakes. Everything summed up, history is important and that is why we study it.

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