Tuesday, November 29, 2011

From Grunts to Grammar

Grammar is what makes it possible for us to show complicated thoughts and communicate easily. There is also evidence that the Homo Habilis started to developed parts of the brain that allow us to speak. Also partly why the reason is that we can speak and even have the ability to is because we have the larynx is low in the throat for us. For ALL the other animals it is high in the throat and when it is low it allows for a larger sound chamber. When it first even started to descend down lower is when our Genus began (Homo, first ones were Homo Habilis). Also the thing about humans is that we have the ability to breath through both the nose and mouth which is what allowed us to run longer distance and feed, but most mammals only breath through the nose. Since language can be hard to find, because there is no proff if it, there is no need for a written language to mean that that is when you started speaking, The way archeologists find out is if looking ofr sign when there was need for languages. We firsed stated to develop language about 60,000-80,000 years ago. When we first started to develope it was when we started to move out ot (present day) Australia because even though the sea levels wee lower and much nore could have been my foot, there sill needed to be a longer boat journey which required complex communication (language). However, the face was also part of their central communication but when they needed to cross that water, we know for a fact that language was needed then and there, and there was the birth of a distinction between us and animals.

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