Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Stonehenge Theories

There are many theories to why Stonehenge was built. Today I am going to blog about three of the theories. There are also some myths and legends about how it was formed. One of them was that the wizard Merlin moved all the rocks from Ireland to Stonehenge. Another one is that Danes put it up when they invaded. Also that they are remains of Roman monuments. But today I am going to talk about the bigger theories, they most likely and most studied.

Theory Number 1
One theory for the building of Stonehenge was that it was used as an observatory. Some evidence to back up that theory is that the entrance faces the sun. Also when the sun rises and shines a reflection through the entrance. The entrance aligns the sun and then the sun shines right through, here is an image to the left showing this. However, this only happens on the longest and shortest day of the year, not everyday. Here are two images that show how Stonehenge is related to the sun and astronomically.

 Also there is a a graph from this website. This graph tells you about the astronomical event and its alignment with the stones. The image from that website is located right beneath the one to my right. Also according to here they say  that researchers have "identified 165 separate points on the monument, and linked them to astrological phenomenons like the two solstices and equinoxes and lunar and solar eclipses. It's a difficult theory to disprove completely and some evidence is persuasive — at dawn on the summer solstice, for example, the center of the Stonehenge ring, two nearby stones (The Slaughter and Heel Stones) and the sun all seem to align." But then they were told that they were giving them too much credit and that the people of Stonehenge wouldn't have the sophistication of building it.
In conclusion one theory was that Stonehenge was an ancient astronomical calender.

Theory Number 2 

Aliens are one more theory. Considering the facts that they still don't know how the people of Stonehenge brought over the blue stones from the Welsh mountains. The reason this theory came is like I said we dont even know how they moved the rocks there and looking back on their technology available at that era they would not have been able to move them, so there is not that much evidence behind that theory, but it is still a theory.  There is little evidence but here is a quote from this website "Most ancient alien theorists, including von Däniken, point to two types of evidence to support their ideas. The first is ancient religious texts in which humans witness and interact with gods or other heavenly beings who descend from the sky—sometimes in vehicles resembling spaceships—and possess spectacular powers. The second is physical specimens such as artwork depicting alien-like figures and ancient architectural marvels like Stonehenge and the pyramids of Egypt."
The way Aliens could have been involved with this is that they would use stonehenge as a landing area, shown in the image below

Also right beneath this one is how Aliens might have moved the rocks to Stonehenge

Theory Number 3 
Stonehenge could also have been used as a burial site. They have found bones and skelotons of the people from stonehenge. Thye are all men in a certain age group. WE also think that those were some important people because they were berried with valuables and considering the fact that they were all middle age (of the time) men they wee probably involved in the government, or something along those lines.

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