Monday, October 31, 2011

Who is Who?!?!?

homo habilis

homo ruolfensis
There have been many early hominins similar to us, however not all are related to us. If you think about it, we are not the stop to evolution, we are just one other step closer to higher evolution, just as we look at homo habilis someone, someday, somewhere, will look at us as one of their ancestors. We are not the final product, nor will there ever be unless we die out. there is still much more to go, specially since we only use about 1-10 percent of our brains. Any early ancestor with with word homo in it, such as homo habilis, are related to us, and are our ancestors. However if they do not contain the word homo, such as Sahelanthropus, or Orrorin, or Ardipithecus, are not our ancestors, they are early hominins, but they are not one of our ancestors, they died out, while we managed to stay alive and adapt. That is what I find very interesting about our kind. We are able to adapt very quickly. When the changes in Africa were going on, many of the early humans died out because they were not able to adapt so quickly and constantly, while we were. We still are as well, we can live anywhere in the world, people live in Russia and in Africa, which both have, what I would call, the opposite climate.  Russia is very cold while Africa is very hot and dry in most places. And yet, our kind can adapt to both. The earliest hominids are the Sahelanthrops which are about 6-7 million years old, and since their name does not contain the prefix of homo, that means that they were not out ancestors. After that comes the Orrorian, which was 5.8-6 million years ago, an if you notice does not contain the prefix of homo, so therefor, must not be related to us, and is not an ancestor. One more example of and early hominin is the Australopithecus, which is 4.4 million years old and without the prefix homo, indicates that it is not one of our ancestors. There are many more early hominins after this that were not related to us, way before the homo era began, but the last one of them was the Australopithecus which was 4-2 million years ago. Now begins the homo era, our ancestors finally start to walk the planet, and it is the beginning of something great. The two very first ones were the homo habilis and then Homo rudolfensis. They were at about the same time, but in different parts of Africa. The Homo rudolfensis was limited to only northern Kenya. The Homo Habilis has more human like feature than the Australopithecus (it has a bigger brain and smaller narrower teeth). Also they made simple tools, but we are not sure if they hunted their own prey, or they would feed off of what other animals killed and left untouched. The homo Rudolfensis has a larger brain than the homo habilis and a broader flatter face, and wider teeth. They made more complex tools and were taller and heavier than other early humans. 

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